Families Belong Together
On this scorching-hot summer day, thousands of protesters poured into the streets of Chicago’s Loop and Daley Plaza for a day of dissent. They voiced their discontent on immigration, Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE), human rights violations, the caging of refugee children at the U.S –Mexican border, and overall lack of human decency within our federal government. The intense heat of the march surged beyond the day’s literal temperature, a fiery expression of mass outrage by everyday citizens. Washington Avenue teemed with parents, their children and determined citizen marching from Daley Plaza to the city’s ICE building. Protesters held aloft signs with urgent political messages and joined into chants like, ‘No Hate No Fear, Immigrants are Welcome Here!’ The heat continued to rise, and by the end of the march, Chicago’s finest pushed the crowd to instantly disperse, an unusual action as these rallies tend to disperse quite well on their own. Police officers start closing ranks on the remaining protesters by creating a barricade with their bikes and lining up paddy wagons. This unnecessary show of muscle was unusual in an otherwise peaceful and violence-free rally. As one protest sign read ‘You don’t see any torches at our rallies!‘